Insight Module

SAEM Insight Module provides information about the performance and relevancy of Keywords and Brands based on Google SERP results. This information has been tailor made for specific markets and languages but it can be adjusted for any given client we might encounter in the future. As the name of this module states, this tool is meant to provide our users with high-level insights that will help them make informed decisions when promoting an online brand or bench-marking keywords.

Built to boost your digital marketing strategies

We built this module thinking of those users whose goals and characteristics represent the needs of those involved in the decision making process to create Digital Marketing strategies and to better monitor and understand the Affiliate network surrounding your brand.

Data for decision makers

SAEM Insight tool is meant to provide critical information needed to make informed decisions when planning a digital marketing strategy. We collect, treat and present this information in the most effective way possible. This web application generates a set of custom made reports aiming to provide our clients with the information they seek. When needed, it is possible to design and implement new reports based on our customer's inputs.

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