
The brand name you are defining in SAEM Insight works as an identifier of your website in the Brand Monitoring report. This is the report that shows how well is your brand represented in the first Google SERP in any chosen keyword cluster.

SAEM Insight requires you to define a regular expression for your brand's main domains. This regular expression will be used by our crawler to identify your actual company website when navigating the SERP.

When adding a new brand, it is necessary to specify:

Make sure you double-check all values when adding a new Brand. They can not be edited.

Regular Expressions

For each keyword, SAEM crawler detects the different steps a user has to navigates from the SERP page to actually reach your website. A regular expressions is used to match the url of yours brand website(s).

A regular expression (also known as Regex) is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern in text. Usually, such patterns are used by string-searching algorithms to "find" specific word/s.

Last updated