Quick start: Insight

The Insight module requires 3 types of inputs to be parameterised in order to generate the automatic reports available in this tool. These 3 input types are

Our web application already includes a long list of available keywords specific to the iGaming Industry but it is always possible to manually add new keywords that our system might be missing.

The first thing you will need to do to begin taking advantage of the Insight reports is to create a cluster of keywords. You are meant to group keywords with similar features such as locations, markets, industries or any other grouping feature you might think is applicable to your business.

A cluster of keywords alone will already generate a set of custom Insight reports such as:

  • Cluster Volume representing the evolution over time of search volume for each keyword relative to the whole cluster

  • Score Top 10 a simplification of The Top Performers for the whole cluster in terms of Google SERP dominance

  • Position Top 10 a recording of the actual Google SERP for each keyword and the average for the whole cluster.

Once you have created a cluster of keywords you are ready to add your brand name or business identifier, in order to make use of our Brand Monitoring functionality. This is the report that shows how well is your brand represented in the first Google SERP in any chosen keyword cluster.

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