
A cluster of keywords is a group of keywords that represent users with similar search intent. It refers to the process of creating a group of keywords that are semantically linked to targeting a page, rather than just focusing on one targeted keyword.

In SAEM Insight the keyword clustering functionality allows you to analyze your brand's performance within a group of keywords rather than by all the similar keywords individually. So you can think of the keyword clusters as kind of the groups gathering your targeted online buyers who have the similar search intent. When you use the Brand Monitoring report it will analyze and tell you how much exposure is your brand getting in those keyword clusters and how many potential clients could you be getting from each of the clusters.

SAEM Insight allows you to create any number of clusters you want as long as you give them unique names. A keyword cluster can contain up to 10 keywords and it needs to have at least 1 keyword added.

Clusters can be edited but that action will delete and overwrite all reports associated with that cluster.

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