
As we know in general, keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about. In terms of SEO, they're the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines, also called "search queries." If you boil everything on your page (images, videos, copy...) down to simple words and phrases, those are your primary keywords.

In SAEM Insight we treat keywords a bit differently than in the majority of the tools on the market. The core idea of SAEM Insight is to let you analyze keywords that you are not necessarily getting direct traffic from but you would like to be strongly represented on the websites that are on the Google top-10 positions with those keywords.

As an example lets say you would like to get traffic from "best online casino" keyword in the UK market but are not able to rank with that with your own brand. SAEM Insight will analyze the Google SERP top-10 of that keyword and give a score to your brand based on how well it is found on those first 10 pages. You are also able to see all the details and historic data of the websites that have been on the first Google SERP since that keyword has been added to our database in that specific market.

SAEM Insight comes with a wide set of keywords targeting the iGaming industry for a variety of markets and languages.

Keywords can not be edited nor deleted, our system periodically detects unused keywords and archives them.

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