Site Manager

Good to know: only Admin users can create new Groups. Editor users can add and delete Projects (websites) in the Groups that they have access to.

On Site Manager page, you will be able to manage Groups and Projects within your accounts, this includes the possibility to create, edit, visualize, modify and delete any group or project available in your account. You get to the Site Manager by clicking the Projects icon on the left navigation menu or from the link below.

For a network of websites, SAEM enables you to create as many groups as needed. The groups are meant to help you organize all the projects (websites) within your organization. We leave it up to our users to decide the way they want to organize and group their websites.

These groups help you differentiate and encapsulate projects that might have similar meaning/functionality for your organization. For example: you can group websites based on their functionality, the technology that they are built with, and the teams that manage or control such websites.

The groups are essential not only to better organize your network of websites but to also manage and organize the people that will be working with SAEM Audit. User’s permissions to crawl, analyze and view the result of your network ecosystem are based on the groups that you create.

On the bottom-right corner of the screen there is a floating button with the “plus” symbol on it. When clicking on it, two smaller floating buttons appear, on the top “Add Group” and the bottom one “Add Project”.

Add group: it just requires two inputs, one value which is the name of the group. Mandatory field.

Add project: project represents those websites, site paths or a specific URL that will be analyzed by SAEM Audit. When adding a new project you will have to provide the following information:

  • Start URL: SAEM's crawler will begin navigating your website from the start URL. The crawler will never leave the path you input on this field (e.g. if you set your start URL as “” the web application will analyze all those URLs within the “path1” and nothing else).

  • Alias: this is a regular string to better represent the project.

  • Group: All projects need to belong to one project. If this dropdown is empty you would need to create a new group first.

  • Crawler type: to define the location from which the web application will crawl your project. The default value is “Germany”.

  • User Agent: a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor…

More about user management

Understanding User Management

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